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Report abuse

About Fontworks' efforts against unauthorized use

弊社では「もじと もっと じゆうに」というタグラインを掲げ、時代やお客様の環境に適応した、新しい機能や価値を様々な製品を通じてご提供させていただいています。

While the importance of intellectual property is increasing, unauthorized use has recently become a problem due to the spread of the Internet and SNS. Computer software as digital works is the result of the intellectual and creative activities of software manufacturers and is an important asset. By purchasing and using genuine products, software manufacturers receive incentives for corporate activities and engage in new intellectual production activities. Proper use of genuine products is essential in order to provide superior products at reasonable prices.

However, unfortunately, it is also true that unauthorized use without the consent of the software manufacturer, such as pirated copies and unauthorized use, is rampant. These unauthorized uses are illegal acts that can cause significant damage to software manufacturers. In addition to raising awareness throughout the software industry, we will actively work on countermeasures, including legal measures, both civil and criminal. When using software, please refrain from using software that has been illegally distributed or sold, and instead purchase and use genuine software products.

We are a member of the Computer Software Copyright Association (ACCS), and as a member of ACCS, we are engaged in activities to protect the rights of copyright holders of digital works such as computer software and to disseminate copyrights. .. We will continue to contribute to the development of economy and culture in the computer society.

Report abuse

Please tell us as much as you can about the companies/organizations that you think are using fonts illegally, including their usage status.


    Fontworks Inc.

    TEL:0120-780241 092-261-5677

    We accept faxes and mails 24 hours a day, but we will respond only after the next business day. Please note.