Fontworks Universal Design fonts offer beautiful 4K / 8K high-resolution display character expressions, and ARIB STD-B62 standard typefaces are now available.


Fontworks Inc. (Headquarters: Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, President and CEO: Ai Harada, hereinafter "Fontworks") conducted a joint study with Kyushu University in December 2015 on "Research on Universal Design As a result of experiments on a 4K compatible high-resolution display used as an experimental environment, it has been proved that it has excellent [readability], [visibility], and [discrimination], and it is necessary for 4K / 8K broadcasting. that began offering as a font for the built-in three typefaces that correspond to become ARIB STD-B62 standard Announcement will be.

About the announcement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications homepage In, the future trends of 4K / 8K broadcasting were announced.

4K practical broadcasting by 124/128 degree east longitude CS broadcasting, cable TV, IPTV has already started according to the roadmap, and in August 2016, 4K / 8K trial broadcasting by BS broadcasting will start. In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications certifies 19 programs from 11 companies including NHK and 5 commercial broadcaster key stations that will start practical broadcasting on BS 110 degree CS in January 2017 after December 1, 2018. In addition, many 4K / 8K programs can be viewed.

What is 4K / 8K broadcasting?
4K / 8K broadcasting is a broadcasting with super high definition image quality that exceeds the current high definition (2K), and you can enjoy stereoscopic and realistic Video. “K” in “4K” and “8K” means 1000, 4K has 3840 pixels (= about 4,000) in the horizontal direction, and 8K has 7,680 pixels (= about 8,000), so “4K” and “8K” respectively. It is called "8K", 4K has 4 times the number of pixels of the current high definition, and 8K has 16 times the number of pixels.
Fontworks' view on industry trends toward 4K / 8K practical broadcasting

Fontworks recognizes that it will be a great turning point for the broadcasting industry following the decision to use 4K / 8K practical broadcasting for BS / 110 ° CS from December 2018.

High-definition and high-definition 4K / 8K TVs, monitors, and other display devices have become popular even in general households.

It is becoming necessary to use fonts that can be displayed at a high level of "visibility," "readability," and "readableness" even on high-resolution displays that enable clearer Video expression.


Based on JIS X 0213 for Fontworks Universal Design fonts, Fontworks has proved "visibility," "readability," "discrimination" and "beauty" in joint research with Kyushu University to meet this need. We have prepared 3 typefaces with a Character Sets of approximately 16,000 characters that correspond to ARIB STD-B62.


[Joint research with Kyushu University "Study on evaluation of Universal Design fonts"]

Universal Design fonts from Fontworks are "visibility," "readability," and "readability" on a 4K-compatible high-resolution display used as an experimental environment in the "Research on Universal Design font evaluation" conducted in collaboration with Kyushu University. Has been proven to be excellent.

Click here for details

Universal Design font typeface sample corresponding to ARIB STD-B62 standard
PHNwYW4gc3R5bGU9ImZvbnQtZmFtaWx5OiBVREtha3Vnb0FSSUItUiI + 45CC7oKB5Lu95Lu / 5L6a5L + J5YKc5YSe5Ya845Sf5YyH5Y2h5Y2s6Km57oKE5ZGN5ZKW5ZKc5ZKp5ZSO5ZWK5Zmy5Zuk5Zyz5Zy076iQ5aKA5aek5aij5amV5a + s76iR45 + i5bqs5by05b2F5b635oCX76mr5oSw5pik5puI5puZ5pu65pu75qGS6b + E5qSR5qS75qmF5qqR5qub8KOPjPCjj77wo5eE5q + x5rOg5rSu76mF5ra / 5reK5re476mG5r2e5r + 554Gk76ms8KSLrueFh + eHgeeIgOeOn + eOqOePieePlueQm + eQoe + piueQpueQqueQrOeQueeRi + O7mueVteeWgeedsuSCk + ejiOejoOelh + emrum / huSEg + m / heenmueonuetv + ewseSJpOe2i + e + oeiEmOiEuu + preiKruiRm + iTnOiTrOiVmeiXjuidleifrOigi + ijteinkuirtui3jui + u + i / tumDnemEp + mEremGsumIs + mKiOmMoemNiOmWkumbnumkg + mlgOmrmemvlum3l + m6tOm6tTwvYnI + CuKbjOKbjeKdl + Kbj + KbkOKbkeKbkuKbleKbk + KblPCfhb / wn4aK4puW4puX4puY4puZ4pua4pub4puc4pud4pue4puf4pug4puh4q2V44mI44mJ44mK44mL44mM44mN44mO44mP4pKR4pKS4pKT8J + FivCfhYzwn4S / 8J + FhvCfhYvwn4iQ8J + IkfCfiJLwn4iT8J + FgvCfiJTwn4iV8J + IlvCfhY3wn4Sx8J + EveKsm + KspPCfiJfwn4iY8J + ImfCfiJrwn4ib4pq / 8J + InPCfiJ3wn4ie8J + In / CfiKDwn4ih8J + IovCfiKPwn4ik8J + IpfCfhY7jipnwn4iA4puj4q2W4q2X4q2Y4q2Z4piT44qL4puo44mG44mF4pup 4L + W4puq4pur4pus4put4puu4puv4pqT4pyI4puw4pux4puy4puz4pu04pu18J + Fl + KSueKTiOKbtvCfhZ / wn4aL8J + GjfCfhozwn4W54pu34pu44pu54pu68J + Fu + Kbu + KbvOKbveKbvvCfhbzim7 / inqHirIXirIbirIfirK / irK7jjqXjjqDjjqTwn4SA4pKI4pKJ4pKK4pKL4pKM4pKN4pKO4pKP4pKQ8J + EgfCfhILwn4SD8J + EhPCfhIXwn4SG8J + Eh / CfhIjwn4SJ8J + EiuOIs + OItuOJhOKfkPCfhK3wn4Ss8J + Eq + OJh / CfhpDwn4im4oS744iq44ir44is44it44iu44iv44iw44i344C24pq + 8J + JgPCfiYHwn4mC8J + Jg / CfiYTwn4mF8J + JhvCfiYfwn4mI8J + EqvCfiKfwn4io8J + IqfCfiJTwn4iq8J + Iq / CfiKzwn4it8J + IrvCfiK / wn4iw8J + IseOOkOOPiuOOouONseKGieKFluKFl + KFmOKFmeKFmuKFkOKFm + KFkeKFkjwvYnI + CuKbhOKbieKbiuKbi + KbheKYlOKbhuKbh + KaoeKbiOKanuKan + KRtOKRteKRtuKRt + KRuOKRueKRuuKRu + KRvOKRveKRvuKRv / CfhJDwn4SR8J + EkvCfhJPwn4SU8J + ElfCfhJbwn4SX8J + EmPCfhJnwn4Sa8J + Em / CfhJzwn4Sd8J + EnvCfhJ / wn4Sg8J + EofCfhKLwn4Sj8J + EpPCfhKXwn4Sm8J + Ep / CfhKjwn4SpPC9icj7wn4aq8J + Gq / Cfhp3wn4ae8J + Gn / CfhqPwn4ak8J + Gp / CfhqLwn4ah8J + GoPCfhqbwn4ac8J + G8C + h4p8uCab4C8Ph4C8h
Embedded tag


About Fontworks Universal Design fonts

Fontworks' Universal Design fonts include square Gothic type, Maru Gothic type, Mincho type, Kaku Gothic type length type (condensed), and categories generally needed for character expression.


The use of L (thin) weights and U (Heavy) weights on low-resolution displays was avoided because there was concern that the horizontal image would be too thin or too thick to be crushed, but 4K / 8K. In a high-quality, high-definition display environment, a clearer display will be realized.


Fontworks Universal Design fonts are available in a wide variety of weights, from L (thin) to U (Heavy). Furthermore, for Universal Design square Gothic-R and Universal Design round Gothic-M / DB, the Character Sets is JIS X. It is provided in a Character Sets approximately 16,000 characters that is compatible with ARIB STD-B62 based on 0213.


Click here for Fontworks Universal Design font lineup


Click here Contact Us regarding the provision method

Lineup of other Fontworks products for the broadcasting industry

Even with "Telop Mincho", which is provided by the annual flat-rate font service "LETS", when displaying Mincho body on a TV screen or monitor, it is difficult to see horizontal lines and thin curved parts. It is a typeface best suited for displaying on display, eliminating problems.

Telop Mincho:



Fontworks offers products for the broadcasting industry as an annual flat-rate font service "LETS".

When using fonts in broadcasting / Video: