Announcement Corporate Website Renewal


Fontworks Inc. has renewed its corporate website.

In 2018, which celebrated the 25th anniversary of our founding, we formulated the tag line “Mojito Motto Yunyuni”, which was considered by all employees. And a brand movie to convey that feeling and Brand site Was released in October 2019.

Furthermore, in November 2019, we will hold a more casual Event "Moji Fes." In Shibuya with the theme of "letters". In December 2019, the head office was moved from Fukuoka to Tokyo with the aim of providing further communication business and expanding our business.

And this time, we have fully renewed our corporate site in order to disseminate the fontworks vision, brand, and Company Info even more strongly.

Introduction of new site

The new corporate site was designed and developed with the aim of transmitting information about our Products easier-to-understand manner, embodying the brand, and realizing a UI that is easy to find and easy to use. We will continue to provide a variety of information so that this corporate site will be a place for customers to meet our typefaces.

On the top page, the keywords tagged in the typeface are listed, and when you mouse over, a sample of the associated typeface is displayed, creating a chance encounter with the typeface.
We will talk to customers who are actually using our typefaces and experts who are involved in characters and design, and publish information such as R & D announcements on R & D.
A newly redesigned page of Fonts easy for designers to use. Searched / narrowed items in the menu on the left are displayed on the right.