Contributed to "The World of Koji Moji MOJI" serialized in the June 2020 issue of "Printing Magazine"

Media Related

In the June 2020 issue of the monthly magazine "Printing Magazine," which is a specialized magazine in the Publishing/Print industry, Takafumi Ando of Fontworks published XR (Extended Reality: a general term for AR, VR, MR, etc.), especially AR (Augmented Reality). ) Contributed about our efforts.

With the theme of "Contribution of fonts in XR" as the theme of contribution, we introduce the research that Fontworks is collaborating with the University of Tokyo on the method of effectively presenting character information in an AR environment.

With the recent rise of the on-screen XR market and increasing attention, it is necessary to select appropriate fonts that match the diversifying AR environment (usage environment and compatible terminals). This research was conducted to clarify the purpose and situation in which text information is presented in order to make this appropriate font selection.

Fontworks' Font Initiatives

Fontworks, which advocates "Moji and Motto Juniyu," is making various efforts in anticipation of the future of universal communication, and this research is one of them.

You can also see the details of the research results in the report below.

Monthly "Printing Magazine" June 2020 issue

Click here for detailed information

price 1,800 yen + tax
Publisher Printing Society Press
Appearance B5 size

Fontworks will continue to disseminate information to contribute to society through a wide range of font-related research and activities.

Please feel free to contact us if you would like to hear more about this research, or if you have font issues related to AR/VR or other businesses.