"Fontworks LETS" "Motoya LETS" "YOON LETS" total 51 typefaces are now available

Announcement Service/Product

As one of the 20th anniversary special campaigns for the annual flat-rate font service “LETS”, a total of 51 fonts from “Fontworks LETS”, “Motoya LETS” and “YOON LETS” will be available from Monday, September 26, 2022. increase.

Fontworks LETS

■ New typeface "Akakane "

“ Akakane” is a typeface characterized by vertical strokes and roundness on the outside. In particular, kanji characters have slightly different impressions even if they are the same part, and each character has a unique character.
It has both visibility and design and can be used in various genres.

■ "Tsukushi Mide Min series" Character Sets expansion
Tsukushi A Midashi Mincho Pr6 E / Pr6N E
Tsukushi B Midashi Mincho Pr6 E / Pr6N E
Tsukushi C Midashi Mincho Pr6 E / Pr6N E

In addition to the currently provided "Std", we have expanded the Character Sets of "Pr6" and "Pr6N".

Motoya LETS

■ Add weight
Motoya Kaku Note 6 Std
■ Extended Character Sets
SMotoyaSeikai-W5 Pro / ProN
SMotoyaSinkai-W5 Pro / ProN

"W6" has been added to the "Motoya Kaku Notebook" currently being offered, and it has become a 2-weight development.
In addition, Pro specification OpenType fonts (Adobe-Japan 1-4 compliant) have been added to "S Motoya SMotoyaSeikai-W5" and "SMotoyaSinkai-W5".
This makes it possible to use it in a wider variety of situations than ever before.

Addition of glyphs and support for IVS
SMotoyaSeikai-W3 Pro / ProN
SMotoyaSinkai-W3 Pro / ProN
MotoyaKyotai-W2 Pro / ProN
MotoyaKyotai-W3 Pro / ProN
MotoyaKyotai-W4 Pro / ProN
Motoya Antic 3 Pro / ProN

JIS2004 glyphs (ProN) have been newly added to the 6 typefaces of the "Pro specification OpenType font (JIS90 glyphs)" currently being provided.
In conjunction with this specification change, we have also added support for IVS (variant character sequence), a technique for switching variant characters, for OpenType fonts for Pro specifications (ProN/Pro).


■ 8 families, 33 new typefaces
Yoon Nunsongippumppum Style00 / Style01 / Style02 / Style03
Yoon Sallanghanui Style00 / Style01 / Style02 / Style03
Yoon Sun Shower B/M/L
Yoon ArtYullyeo 3D/Dot/InLine/Original/outline/Shadow
Yoon Magazine 710/720/730/740/750/760/770/80/790
Yoon Yoon Gothic 520/530/540/550
Yoon Solt B / L
Yoon 2002

Added 8 families and 33 fonts.
Please enjoy YOON's new typefaces, which are rich in variations, such as long typefaces and gothic typefaces suitable for Text, cute design fonts, and fonts dedicated to the 2002 Japan-Korea World Cup stadium.