Announcement of termination of services related to Showa typefaces


Thank you for your continued patronage of our products.

Due to a request from SHOWASHOTAI Co.,Ltd., we have decided to terminate the provision of services related to Showa Typeface.

The termination time differs for each service, so please check the "Schedule" below and "Detailed information" for each service for details.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our members, but we would like to express our gratitude for your patronage over the years and ask for your understanding.

Target services and schedule overview

※1,2 You can use the Showa typeface until the current contract date for licenses that have completed contracts for LETS (current LETS) and Fontworks LETS (new LETS) by 19:00 on April 20.
※1 You can use the Showa typeface until the current contract date when the contract for LETS (current LETS) is completed by 19:00 on April 20th.
*When installing Showa typeface after April 21, please check the detailed information below. If you have already installed it, you can use it as is.


Please see below for detailed information on each service.

Current LETS Click here for more information.
New LETS Click here for more information.
mojimo-fude Click here for more information.
embedded products
OEM typeface development
For embedded products/OEM typeface development, please Contact Us here.


