Started providing 3 typefaces of "AR font" that are optimal in the AR environment

We have started offering three typefaces, "AR Gothic M", "AR Kaku Go M" and "AR Maru Go M", as dedicated fonts for embedded products suitable for AR environments.

*Not available for annual flat-rate font services "LETS" and "mojimo"

■ About AR fonts

There are various situations in which characters are presented in an AR environment. In order to verify fonts that are considered to be appropriate in all situations, we conducted a joint research project with the University of Tokyo and the University of Electro-Communications on the method of presenting character information in an AR environment.
The typefaces developed based on the results of this research are the three most suitable "AR fonts" in the AR environment.
Please select the most suitable typeface from among the 3 typefaces according to the usage situation.

■ Provided typeface

AR Gothic M This is the best font when you want people to understand the information, such as Text, while the person is still or moving.
AR Kakugo M It is the best font for reading information while a person is still.
AR Marugo M It is the best font for reading information while people are on the move.

For more information on this product and pricing, please Contact Us us using the form below.