[note] "Type Designers Roundtable" Listening to the Tsukiji Typeface Reproduction Project (Part 1): Shunya Morita x Ayuka Kubota x Yuya Nakamura


Talking about the background and appeal of the "Tsukiji reprinted typeface project"

A serial project called “Type Designers Roundtable” where designers involved in typeface production at Fontworks talk about their daily efforts and thoughts. For the second time, three core members of the "Tsukiji Reprinted Typeface Project" gathered.

This is a project to reprint as a digital font based on the "Tsukiji typeface" of Tokyo Tsukiji Letterpress Factory, one of the origins of the current Mincho typeface. From the background of the initiative to the charm of the typeface in production, we will send it over the first and second parts.

For details, please see the Fontworks official note.

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