It's over, "Moji Fes." I'm lonely because the preparation period was long.
"Moji Fes." Was held on November 16th and 17th as a nice two days to enjoy "Moji", but I am impressed that many people can come to the event. The wind was strong on the second day, but it was good that we were able to hold it safely without rain.
I was able to meet many smiles, such as friends, company colleagues, and families with small children.
The venue, Shibuya Cast, was located on the big street that connects Shibuya and Harajuku, so many people happened to come by because it seemed interesting, but "See the Announcement from Fontworks. Some people say, "I'm here." No, I'm really happy, and I'm really happy that I was able to come to you in this way.
# The weather has become nice! Moji Fes. Held from today! ️Are you waiting for your visit? https://t.co/SPCpsLFSgw pic.twitter.com/VAOmCwBLoJ
— Fontworks / Fontworks (@Fontworks_Inc) November 15, 2019
Impressively, it was impressive
All the programs were inspiring and fun, but I would like to list four things that impressed me personally.
● Manual letterpress machines are still popular
"What's this?" "It's printed this way!" The manual printing press, which makes it interesting for adults and children to experience printing, is very popular and has always been a long line.
In this "Character Fes.", There was a booth where you could print the card at Fonts Chikushi, and another booth where you could make a coaster by printing the logo of "SVB". Both were popular, but the coaster of "SVB" was a voucher for beer tasting, so you could enjoy choosing beer.
Have you become accustomed to operating a manual letterpress machine? So, I would like to hold this workshop again somewhere.
Moji Festival. SPRING VALLEY BREWERY's 6 types of beer Each coaster has tasting from typographic experience! I'm happy pic.twitter.com/g7RJSUCoGP
— When (@tokinomiru) November 17, 2019
● Market covered with fonts
I also enjoyed talking with the authors of the font market.
It was outdoors, so the second day was a battle between wind and cold. Thank you to all the artists who were exhibiting at the font market.
I was happy to talk with the illustrators who worked with me on "mojimo". Also, "Fonts teacup"! I took off this idea. It's interesting.
Shibuya cast of Musume Tomoji fes before the design festival. It's too fun! # Moji Festival pic.twitter.com/6kLHI6Cqom
— Sumo (Chiyo Date) (@sumosumo1124) November 17, 2019
Day 2 of the Moji Festival ~~ ლ(⁰⊖⁰ლ)
— Yasutaka Matsumoto (@paper_matsumo) November 17, 2019
The wind is strong, but it's lively!
@ Shibuya cast # Moji festival pic.twitter.com/daETR9k8ZV
After all the brulee French toast was delicious
In the evening, after a break, I was able to eat Forucafe's Brulee French toast at the cafe booth. I wanted to eat this, it was delicious.
This time, students from Waseda University played a central role in operating the cafe booth. I'm really thankful to you!
French toast is delicious? #Moji Festival @forucafe pic.twitter.com/pMrsqKpcHJ
— Fontworks / Fontworks (@Fontworks_Inc) November 16, 2019
● Tattoo stickers are popular regardless of age or sex!
Since it was a festival, it was a festival, so everyone was very excited and everyone enjoyed the tattoo sticker.
A woman group going to a wedding second party, such as "celebration" and "suki", was pasted on their cheeks, and their children were still popular with characters like F-kun. Meanwhile, there was a child who wanted to put the "Fontworks" logo on, and I was so happy that I wanted to hug you lol
In preparation for the day before, I cut this sticker into a sticky piece, but the hard work paid off.
Today we are going to the #Moji Festival held at the Shibuya Cast. The character Event was fresh in a gorgeous place. pic.twitter.com/HyXzeDz7Id
— Kan (@kan126) November 16, 2019
Everyone who supported "Moji Fes."
We were able to hold this "Moji Fes." With the support of many supporters, artists who exhibited, and everyone who cooperated in workshops and exhibitions.
We are grateful, grateful, and thankful for all the cooperation we had, even though we didn't know what it would look like on the day of the Event which was our first attempt. Thank you very much.
Let me introduce you again here.
Shibuya cast San
Thank you for the wonderful venue! I feel that the open atmosphere has attracted many people!
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Forucafe San
He supported "Moji Fes." By eating and drinking. The clam chowder with lots of ingredients was also delicious.
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The beer tasting was very well received. There were many voices that the coasters made by hand letterpress were cute. It was a collaboration between beer and letters!
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Brooklyn Brewery San
Thank you BROOKLYN LAGER with a limited glass! You can still play AR where the characters pop out when you hold the camera over the bottle!
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You were kindly provided with the display used in the AR corner of the indoor exhibition. The screen was so beautiful that I was surprised. I personally wanted it!
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Instant tattoo San
I was impressed that it could be easily and neatly applied without water. It became an item that made "Moji Fes." Very exciting!
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Everyone who exhibited at the font market
An outdoor font market filled with original works made with the theme of "text". Introducing writers and illustrators.
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Xiesha San
Matsuoka Masataka San
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Yasutaka Matsumoto San
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TS Universal Design A KYOKO San
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Knowledge book San
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Dig-a-doo San
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Taro Hashimoto San
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instanttattoo San
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Hako de kit San
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Aui-AO Design San
Letterpress TOKYO San
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Print Works Shibuya San
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Oggy Sonic San
Kakomaki San
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Samehoshi San
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Sakimoto Mizuno San
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Everyone who got excited at indoor workshops and projects
We had you excite in indoor workshop and plan!
The singer-songwriter Saho Terao and Sokerissa co-starred, and Karateka Taro Yabe's manga reading "Oyasan and I" was fun.
Saho Terao San
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Karateka Taro Yabe San
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The workshop of writing the bones written by Shiraju Mitoki, a calligrapher, and the workshops of "Making Original T-shirts" and "Making Lettering Can Badges" by Noramoji Discovery Project greatly expand the stage of "Moji Fes." I got excited! The exhibition was also popular.
Eye-opening pearl San
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Noramoji Discovery Project San
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Caricature world champion Raou Tanaka, in addition to demonstrating the illustration demonstration, also drew a caricature at the market. Some of you came to see Raou, and I'm really impressed!
Raoh Tanaka San
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The AR experience corner was very popular with children. Everyone enjoyed the collaborative work of AR and characters by "open your mouth." Even after "Moji Fes." Is over, you can still play with your smartphone's Snapchat app, so please enjoy it! Snapchat lens search "Fontworks" will display the lens.
It was very interesting to have a talk session with Mr. Aoe who made the AR.
Blue painting San
Camp created the project together
And finally, Camp, who made this "Moji Fes." Together.
During the long preparation period, we held weekly meetings, discussed with each other, and discussed "Moji Fes." From scratch, and asked them to take shape. I'm really thankful to you! And thank you.
Camp.inc San
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The entire schedule of "Moji Fes." It was a dreamlike two days that I met many smiles ☺️ Thank you to everyone who visited! hashtag #Moji Festival Would you be glad if you tweeted about it? pic.twitter.com/xXcMBjjCsX
— Fontworks / Fontworks (@Fontworks_Inc) November 17, 2019
"Eh? Did you do such Event, I didn't know?"
Maybe some people say that.
We are working on making a movie of the situation on the day so that you can see it, so please wait for a while!
"Moji Fes." Special site
So, it is a personal impression of "Moji Fes.", But Event is of course fun on the day, but in fact it is fun when preparing. there is. Of course, there were times when it was tough, but it was fun including that, really.
And I was very happy because I could buy "Fonts Yun" ★
The tea is delicious!
See you later!