Lightweight font for IoT devices

Embedded font

A lightweight outline font developed exclusively for embedding in equipment. The data capacity has been greatly reduced compared to normal outline fonts. There are Type-S that can be displayed without a special font engine, and Type-XS that is provided as a set with the FW font engine. Both are ideal for embedding in IoT devices, etc. where the font capacity cannot be allocated.


  • I want to use less font data.
  • I want to keep the font beautiful while keeping the font beautiful.
  • I want to use fonts that are clearly visible even on low-spec devices.

Main points of lightweight fonts for IoT devices


The font file size is reduced to about 1/2 to 1/4 of the basic outline font so that it can be optimally displayed on low-capacity devices.

Design base is Universal Design font

High Universal Design were evaluated for resistance "UD Kakugo_Large and" "UD Marugo_Large based on", realize them with ease and beauty reading not inferior.

2 types available with or without font engine

Two types are available: "Type-S" which is a TrueType font format that does not require a font engine to display, and "Type-XS" which is included with the dedicated font engine.


A feature of lightweight fonts for IoT devices, etc. is that the font file size is reduced based on Universal Design fonts, which have excellent visibility and legibility. The design size was adjusted by widening the size of the character face, the size of the dakuten and the semi-dakuten, and the similar openings such as “c”, “e”, “o”, “3”, “6”, and “8”. , Easy to read character design. Also, Type-S is provided as a "TrueType font" that does not require a font engine to display. A scalable and beautiful display is possible regardless of the drawing area of the device. Therefore, it is possible to unify the character design on multiple devices such as "wearable device" and "smartphone app" that works together with it. On the other hand, since Type-XS is provided in its own font format, a dedicated font engine for displaying is included. It is ideal for embedding in low-spec devices that cannot allocate space for fonts.


Excellent visibility and beauty based on Universal Design fonts

Since it is developed based on our Universal Design font, it boasts high visibility and legibility. In addition, it is a beauty that is comparable to a normal outline font while being lightweight.


Data capacity is about 1/2

By sharing common Kanji elements among characters, the data capacity has been reduced from normal fonts to about 60% for R and 55% for DB.

Font name Font capacity
Normal font Type-S
UD Kakugo_Large R Original 2,377KB 1,409KB
UD Kakugo_Large M Source 2,298KB 1,280KB
UD Kakugo_Large DB Source 2,342KB 1,281KB
UD Kakugo_Large B Source 2,268KB 1,201KB
UD Marugo_Large L Original 4,927KB 2,056KB
UD Marugo_Large M Source 4,193KB 1,673KB
UD Marugo_Large DB Original 4,004KB 1,719KB
UD Marugo_Large B Source 3,884KB 1,708KB

No font engine required

Font data is provided in TrueType font format. It can be displayed on Windows or embedded OS without a special font engine.


Data capacity is about 1/4

The font data capacity is even lighter than Type-S, and it has been reduced to about 1/4 of normal outline fonts.

Font name Font capacity
Normal font Type-XS
UD Kakugo_Large R Original 2,377KB 498KB
UD Kakugo_Large M Source 2,298KB 537KB
UD Kakugo_Large DB Source 2,342KB 448KB
UD Kakugo_Large B Source 2,268KB 532KB
UD Marugo_Large L Original 4,927KB 1,092KB
UD Marugo_Large M Source 4,193KB 765 KB
UD Marugo_Large DB Original 4,004KB 825KB
UD Marugo_Large B Source 3,884KB 799KB
  • When using FW font engine together, about 100KB will be added

Provided as a set with a font engine that does not depend on CPU / OS

Our original font engine is required to use Type-XS. The font engine is CPU / OS-independent, so it is ideal for embedding in equipment that runs on its own OS.

Specifications summary

Lightweight font (Type-S) for IoT devices

Product name Lightweight font (Type-S) for IoT devices
Product price Contact Us us
Font name Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-R
Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-M
Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-DB
Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-B
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large-L
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large M
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large DB
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large B
Original font UD Kakugo_Large R
UD Kakugo_Large M
UD Kakugo_Large DB
UD Kakugo_Large B
UD Marugo_Large L
UD Marugo_Large M
UD Marugo_Large DB
UD Marugo_Large B
Font type Outline font
Font format TrueType font
Character Sets JIS X 0208: 1990 + IBM Gaiji
encoding Unicode
Use For middle- and high-specification embedded devices such as game consoles, e-books, home appliances, in-vehicle devices, and industrial devices
capacity Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-R=1,409KB (Compresses up to 60% from the base font)
Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-M=1,280KB (Compresses up to 60% from the base font)
Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-DB=1,281KB (Compresses from base font to 55%)
Type-S-UD Kakugo_Large-B=1,201KB (compressed from base font to 55%)
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large Maru Go_Large-L=2,056KB (compressed from base font to 42%)
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large Maru Go_Large-M=1,673KB (compressed from the base font to 40%)
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large Maru Go_Large-DB=1,719KB (compressed from the base font to 43%)
Type-S-UD Marugo_Large Maru Go_Large-B=1,708KB (Compresses up to 44% from the base font)

Lightweight font (Type-XS) for IoT devices

Product name Lightweight font (Type-XS) for IoT devices
Product price Contact Us us
Font name Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-R
Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-M
Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-DB
Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-B
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large-L
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large M
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large DB
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large-B
Original font UD Kakugo_Large R
UD Kakugo_Large M
UD Kakugo_Large DB
UD Kakugo_Large B
UD Marugo_Large L
UD Marugo_Large M
UD Marugo_Large DB
UD Marugo_Large B
Font type Outline font
Font format Original format
Character Sets JIS X 0208: 1990 + IBM Gaiji
encoding Unicode
Use Low-specification embedded devices such as IoT devices, medical devices, e-books, printers, multifunction devices, digital cameras, video cameras, in-vehicle devices, etc.
capacity Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-R=498KB (compresses up to 25% from the base font)
Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-M=537KB (compresses up to 25% from the base font)
Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-DB=448KB (compressed from the base font to 20%)
Type-XS-UD Kakugo_Large-B=532KB (compressed from the base font to 25%)
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large-L=1,092KB (compressed from the base font to 23%)
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large-M=765KB (base font compressed to 19%)
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large-DB=825KB (compressed from the base font to 21%)
Type-XS-UD Marugo_Large-B=799KB (compressed from the base font to 23%)

Flow until contract

  1. Hearing
  2. Quote
  3. Contract conclusion / application
  4. Delivery / inspection

Hearing content

  • Type and number of fonts you want to use
  • Whether customization is required (full customization / partial customization / as is)
  • Whether you need to rent