The 7th Fukuoka Chikugo City Hall


Aiming for the ideal public relations paper

Chikugo City Hall recently introduced DTP to make public relations paper and is currently studying hard.

Mr. Shoyasu Ezaki, Public Relations and Statistics Section, Town Development Division, General Affairs Department

That's what Mr. Tsuguhiro Ezaki from the Town Planning Division, General Affairs Department, Chikugo City Office, Fukuoka Prefecture said. From the December 2003 issue, we would like to gradually promote "public information Chikugo" as a DTP.

The reason for introducing DTP is that I wanted to reduce the time spent making public relations paper as much as possible. Making a public relations paper requires a considerable amount of time, including interviews, drafting and layout. Until now, it took two days just to write the manuscript on the layout paper while counting the number of characters. After the introduction of DTP, I expect that it will be possible to proceed with the layout while looking at the screen and save time, just by doing the work.

It is my idea that public relations activities are "to convey information that citizens want to know or do not know accurately, quickly and in an easy-to-understand manner." The same is true for making public relations papers. Ideally, it should be "easier than newspapers and harder than magazines." I want to devote my spare time to the DTP to public information such as homepages and other media, to inform the citizens.

LETS is fascinated by the abundance of typefaces that can be used. Being able to try out different typefaces is important for creating easy-to-understand paper. We will continue to use LETS to create the ideal public relations paper.

Company Info

Company name Chikugo City Hall
location 896 Yamanoi, Oita, Chikugo City, Fukuoka Prefecture
TEL 0942-53-4111
Fax 0942-52-5928

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